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Intel face “meltdown” due to large security flaw.

31 January 2018

Intel CPUs have a huge flaw and the patch could have drastic performance issues. Intel. Even technophobes will recognise the name as their product currently (as of...

Uber covered up data breach, paid off hackers £75,000.

31 January 2018

When it comes to making an Uber mistake, there’s no-one with a better-suited name to do so than smartphone-based “ride-hailing” company Uber. This morning it was confirmed that an Uber da...

Tips to prepare your eCommerce store for Black Friday & Cyber Monday

31 January 2018

When it comes to Black Friday and Cyber Monday, e-commerce is becoming king. If you run your own online store, how are you preparing your store for the festive shopping fun? We’ve taken a...

What does the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update offer?

31 January 2018

What’s new? What’s changed? Should I update Windows 10? We’re here! Windows 10 has brought out one of its biggest updates so far since its launch in 2015. Dubbed the<a href="https:...

Should you Buy or Build your next PC?

31 January 2018

When it comes to computers, there’s always the decision on whether you should buy your PC from a third party, or build it yourself. Building your own computer can be a lot of fun, but can...

The Cyber Security of iPhone X

31 January 2018

What kind of Security is offered with iPhone X and is it enough? Apple’s announcement of the new iPhone X for the 10 year anniversary comes with a great feature iP...

VR & Architecture have become unexpected partners

31 January 2018

How is VR changing Architecture? With Virtual Reality (VR) becoming a key player in technology, gaining its start in gaming and moving into video ...