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Where you can find all the latest news, reviews and information relating to you and your business.

10 of the Worst Cyber Attacks in History

22 April 2024

Cyber Attacks aren’t just a new concept, it’s been going on for decades, not just during the ...

Five of the Most Influential Designers

18 April 2024

Some of the most influential products and creations are things we passively use or see every day, but behind each one of these comes a designer. We’ve put together a list of some of the m...

The Best Startups of 2017

5 April 2024

2017 has seen a lot of new comers make massive strides changing their industries for the better. Some of these startups were formed this year, others within the last 3. With online becomi...

GDPR: A guide for small business owners

27 April 2018

After four years of debating and preparing, changes to data protection rules were finally approved by the EU Parliament in April 2016. And since then, the ‘GDPR’ has been a hot topic....

A Brief Rundown on Cybercrime in 2017

5 April 2018

Cybercrime isn’t going away, with more and more companies making the big switch to digital, it’s not surprising that cybercrime is on the rise. The Offic...

Be Heard Day: Is your business loud enough?

7 March 2018

Being a Small Business owner comes with lots of challenges, even with something you love. Getting your message out to bring the customers in can be daunting, stressful and overall difficu...

Top 10 guide to copyright infringement

28 February 2018

How do you avoid copyright infringement? Copyright infringement is quite common and isn’t always malicious or done with disregard. Yet, breaking copyright does damage the income ...

NHS and Microsoft team up on Cyber Attack prevention

31 January 2018

In 2017, the NHS was the victim of a worldwide cyber attack called “WannaCry”.  The news broke that the NHS was using system that were out of date and vulnerable to the EternalBlue exploi...